Tuesday 10 December 2013

Star Wars The Phantom Menace

The film starts with the title and quick story with the theme music played in the background , this can be used to show the movie is clearly of the star wars franchise. the camera then pans to follow the ship as it flies past , the ship is lit and a light grey to show it is the main focus of the camera , the camera pans with the ship to reveal a planet which we can assume to be it's destination. the camera then cuts to a mid shot of the pilot and reveals a character that is clearly not human, showing the film contains aliens and the space ships would indicate that the film is set in the future. the lighting here is dim drawing attention to the outside of the spaceship which shows another space station. The camera continues to follow the path of the sip by panning round until it cuts to the ship landing in the space station. The camera reveals robots and two hooded characters , introducing the main characters and the enemies of the film. The two headed characters are shown in the middle of the screen , using the rule of thirds we now know they are important to the scene. the camera pans , keeping the characters in the middle of the screen as to show their importance. again the lighting is mainly focused on the outside of the spaceship to draw attention to the fact that they are in space. The composition of the scene keeps the characters in focus and directly in the middle of the screen as to show their importance to either the story line or the scene.